My wife Jeanne is beautiful on the outside AND the inside. Although I had never thought of getting Jeanne's portrait painted before, Shijun's work was so beautiful, that it seemed the most natural thing in the world to do. Shijun combined my favorite traditional southwest Pueblo Indian motifs (I'm an archaeologist) with Jeanne's beautiful face. It all paid off--Shijun caught my vision exactly. Jeanne loves it--told me I was a "romantic". For a very un-romantic guy, it doesn't get any better. - Dr. Dave Crass GA 2008

Thank you for your beautiful art! I have had your set of art cards (5"x5") for a long time (maybe 10 years?) and very much enjoy looking at them.. I bought my daughter-in-law one of your small paintings at the Decatur Arts Festival last year for her birthday and I have had one of your greeting cards hanging in my kitchen since the Inman Park Arts Festival. So I feel as if you are a part of my life, even though we have never met.
Last month I was at the Oakhurst Arts Festival and I was walking along when I was stopped short by your painting "Spring II" I couldn't take my eyes off of her! She was so innocent and lovely. Gazing at her eyes, it felt like looking into a different world! First I fell in love with her face. I wanted to take her home even before I saw the hummingbirds and the butterfly, they just added to her allure! Thank you again for your beautiful images. This world of ours needs people like you who create inspiring art that lifts us up. Your painting will bring me much joy for years and years to come. ~Patty O'Keefe Hutton, GA 2011
Last month I was at the Oakhurst Arts Festival and I was walking along when I was stopped short by your painting "Spring II" I couldn't take my eyes off of her! She was so innocent and lovely. Gazing at her eyes, it felt like looking into a different world! First I fell in love with her face. I wanted to take her home even before I saw the hummingbirds and the butterfly, they just added to her allure! Thank you again for your beautiful images. This world of ours needs people like you who create inspiring art that lifts us up. Your painting will bring me much joy for years and years to come. ~Patty O'Keefe Hutton, GA 2011

We are ecstatic about our beautiful, exquisite piece of Shijun art! Every day we get to admire your amazing talent-it gives us so much pleasure, as we are also lovers of nature and its astounding beauty. Peace. Calm. Serenity. We love it! Your art truly reflects your heart and good soul! Your are both wonderful people-
Thank you so much, Missy and Sandra (Mom) Atlanta, GA 2015
Thank you so much, Missy and Sandra (Mom) Atlanta, GA 2015

"I received the painting "Enlightenment" yesterday and it is perfect! Thank you and I will look forward to seeing your future work!...Your painting "Rich" is hanging over my fireplace and I absolutely love it! I told Betsy that I would buy her house Only if she sold me that painting. What a beautiful work of art! Everyone who come in the house absolutely loves it! I started following your website right after that. Now I am able to sit at my table and see your new work on my dining room wall as well!!" David, NC, USA. 2014,
Lazaro, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2014 "Your expresion and soul are really appealing, is nice to have crossed paths with you, have a wonderful journey..."
Ronald,Vienna, Austria. 2014 "This is Ronald from Vienna, Austria. I'm stunned by your paintings. Its such a unique style and completely heart opening."
Aimelle Ml,Canada.2014 "You excel in making rich textures with gorgeous colors and blending Shijun! and I love the composition... peaceful feeling from it as well. Wonderful art again!"
Yanik Falardeau, Quebec, Canada, 2014 "Your work is luminous and radiating with positive energy. I love it."
Decatur Market & Gallery, Decatur, GA,2010 Shijun's works are inspired by ancient techniques and subjects, at once fanciful and soulful with a deep patina and glimmering light.
梁明明, 中国,广州.1997 诗筠在乎于能触发旧时情怀的一切〜意韵幽深的古诗,粗朴简括的古陶,古丝绸之路上灵动的飞天••••••